Pay one-time or recurring bills from your FNCU checking account.
You must be enrolled in Online Banking and have a Checking Account to use this service.
Quickly and easily pay all of your bills in one place using Bill Pay.
- Save time and money – no more check writing, no more stamps, no more hassles!
- Pay most merchants electronically. If a merchant cannot receive electronic payments, a check will be mailed.
- View history to see what payments have been made or view pending payments you have established.
Please note: there is a 48-hour waiting period prior to scheduling your first bill pay item.

See what Bill Pay can do for you. Get started today!
Online Banking:

Mobile App:

Pay Bills
Pay Bills: Set up recurring bills or one-time payments from your FNCU checking account, and it will be paid on the day you choose, or as soon as possible. Setup payees using:
- Pay with Picture: Easily setup new payees by taking a picture or uploading a picture of your bill. (Give it some time to “read” the information.)
- Add Payee: Setup payees manually.
Send Money
Pay a Person: Send funds to anyone. (also known as P2P)
- To send funds, all you need is their name and email or phone number. Then create a secret word and tell them what it is.
- They get a notification via email or text and enter the secret word to accept the funds.
- They choose to receive funds to their debit card or checking account.
- Funds available to debit card within minutes, and up to 2 days for a checking account.
- $250 max.
Transfer Between My Accounts: Send or receive funds from FNCU to your other financial institution. (also known as A2A)
- Fund availability may take up to 6 days.
- $500 max.
Send ACH Payment: Send funds electronically to another person or account using their account number and routing number. Setup one-time or recurring payments using the Send ACH Payment option.