
Making the Switch to a Credit Union – Ryan and Laura Troxel

Ryan and Laura Troxel have been FNCU members for just over four years. When Laura was 10, she opened her first account at the same big bank where her parents banked. After getting married, Laura and Ryan did all their banking there. When the Troxels’ three girls became teenagers, the family had more financial needs to manage. Their girls were starting to get jobs and needed accounts, as well.

But they were not happy with the service they were receiving at the bank. It was hard to get a hold of someone, and the fees were starting to add up. Laura said they had so many rules, it was hard to do business with them.

They started searching for a new way to bank. Ryan has been a teacher for Omaha Public Schools for 27 years, and Laura is a nurse at Bergan Mercy Hospital. Ryan had seen a First Nebraska Educator’s Credit Union flyer on the bulletin board in the school’s mailroom. They didn’t really know what the difference between a credit union and a bank was, so Laura asked her cousin, a bank examiner, about credit unions. She heard good things, and decided to meet with Erin Kershner at our 120th branch.

Laura was apprehensive in switching accounts after being with the same bank for 35 years. She didn’t want to deal with new account numbers and passwords. They also had two paychecks automatically deposited and their house payment automatically paid through their bank account, which needed to be switched over. But she knew it was time to switch.

Their story is one we hear often.

When Laura and Ryan met with Erin (Branch Manager at 120th branch at the time), they found Erin to be patient, calm and understanding. Erin helped set everything up – checking and savings accounts for Ryan and Laura and their three daughters. As well as direct deposits, automatic payments, and online banking! Laura also helps her mom with her banking needs, and wanted a simpler solution for them, so she helped her mom move her accounts, as well. With all these accounts and changes, Laura said Erin was non-judgmental and made her feel like they were doing the right thing.

“It was a very smooth transition. We should have done it a long time ago!”

And after four years of being members at FNCU, they haven’t regretted it for a moment. The Troxels tell us the staff at 120th are always friendly and feel like family. They like that it is a convenient location and they don’t have to stand in line to get helped. Laura said, “We love the small-town atmosphere. They know us by name when we stop in.”

As a bonus, the Troxels are enjoying lower fees, and are saving money. Their oldest daughter just opened a vacation savings account, and Ryan said they’ll be coming in for a car loan in the near future.

It’s a Family Thing – Elena Headley

Elena Headley joined First Nebraska Credit Union more than 40 years ago, because her mom was a member. In fact, her mom was the 84th member of First Nebraska Credit Union! Elena’s dad worked for Omaha Public Schools, and was a member of Educator’s Credit Union, which later merged with First Nebraska. Because her parents belonged to two credit unions, Elena remembers having accounts at both credit unions at one time.

Elena’s entire family belongs to the credit union, including her 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren, with the youngest being less than 2 years old.

“It’s just a given for someone in our family to become a member of First Nebraska. When their social security card comes, after they are born, I go open an account for them.” She brings her grandkids and great grandkids into the credit union to choose a birthday gift when they receive their Pee Wee Penguin birthday postcard in the mail. It has become a tradition.

Elena said she feels like a part of the First Nebraska family. She opened her account at our 48th & Center branch (which has since closed), when Patti Van Buren worked there as a teller! FNCU was her first financial institution, and she hasn’t ever wanted or needed to switch to a bank or other financial provider.

When asked why she stayed with the credit union, Elena said, “The service, more than anything, it’s been the customer service, 100%. The service and everything else is so much better!” Elena has talked some friends into joining FNCU, too.

Elena takes advantage of being a member-owner by sharing her ideas on how we can become better. If she doesn’t like how something is working or she sees something other credit unions are doing that might work for us, she lets us know. She also attends the FNCU annual meetings, because she likes to see everyone and get some gifts, but mostly, she said with a smile, she comes for the cake (as we hear from many attendees!)

“Kids are the future of the credit union!” Elena said. The kids in her family automatically bring in their birthday and Christmas money to deposit it into their savings account – money they know is set aside until they turn 18. Her oldest grand-daughter, at 29 years old, is building her credit in preparation for buying a house when she’s ready – with a mortgage from First Nebraska, of course, said Elena.

Four Generations of Membership – Sheila Loadholt

“A high quality of service, friendliness and professionalism are just a few of the reasons our family has chosen to do business with First Nebraska Credit Union. As a single woman, over 30 years ago, I chose to do business with First Nebraska, as they appeared to really value me as a customer unlike some of the major local banks. I was not just an account number.

Over many years, First Nebraska has been there for me and now my family. After going through a major loss after 28 years of employment, I was definitely stressed and concerned, but one call to the Credit Union (specifically Charity Helter) explaining what was going on in our lives, we were reassured it would be ok and First Nebraska would help in any way they could and they did just that. The relief we felt was like no other.

With my husband, and now our three adult daughters, grandchildren and my mother (who moved her account from a major bank), we now have 4 generations connected to First Nebraska Credit Union.

It is not just because of good rates and their continued willingness to help those in need, it is because we have found people/friends that genuinely care about their customers and in today’s society. That means a lot.

We would strongly encourage others to join the First Nebraska Credit Union family, as they are truly people who care about their customers.”

—Shelia and Stan Loadholt

Ronald Trout, Shelia’s son-in-law, joined the credit union when he was a teenager. He had heard about FNCU from Shelia and was able to join through his employer. As a young man wanting to start his own business someday, he knew building his credit was important. He said, “I wouldn’t be where I am today without Charity and First Nebraska.”

“Ronnie wanted to know the ‘right way’ to handle his finances. Over the years, I have enjoyed working with him, helping him understand how to budget, save and build credit. When I heard he was marrying Shelia’s daughter, who was also a member of ours, I was so excited for them.

I have watched these families grow and change separately, and now seeing them all together, it brings me such joy. The biggest satisfaction in being a part of the credit union is seeing members through all their financial stages. Whether starting out or preparing for retirement, it is a pleasure to serve all our members at any stage in their life.”

—Charity Helter, (Former Senior Manager, Lincoln Branches)